Return Of The Mac

The weather was good this day so we skipped shopping and had fun in Hyde Park instead.
We thought we'd experiment with some lipstick and found a hot colour for the day and a dark colour for the night. 
It was Lizzy's first time trying on lipstick, but I have to say both colours looked good on her! 
Personally, I preferred the dark black lipstick on myself. I liked the hot purple/pink (probably lilac) but for me it's pretty bright and I'm used to my dark colours, that pop but also 
My friend Jody also chose black for the night, which I thought complemented her leather/stud jacket and black shirt, creating a gothic biker chic aura. 

Which is your favourite colour?

Day ...

Office (Prudence - £65) 

... and Night



  1. I love your blog! Love it!
    Your layout just makes me super jealous!

    1. Don't Be Jealous - We Like Your Blog To!
      BTW Thank You For The ShoutOut.

